Growth Delivered – masterclass on Growth Hacking well received
by secretariaat on 11 Apr, 2016 - 2 comments
On Thursday 31 March 2016 , Pioneerz organized the Growth Hacking Masterclass, a pro-active introductory course into this rapidly growing new method to grow companies.
Pioneerz was invited by the EC’s Innovative Enterprise conference to organise something for ambitious entrepreneurs that would make the trip to The Hague even more worthwhile, so Pioneerz took on the challenge to make Growth Hacking accessible to (corporate) entrepreneurs from all over Europe. Pim de Bokx – Managing Partner of Pioneerz was lucky attract Max Corbeau (ex-RELX ) and Luca Barboni (GrowthHound), seasoned Growth Hackers, to help develop the content and partnership to deliver the masterclass. (Introduction Growth Hacking Masterclass)
What is Growth Hacking?
The masterclass started with a 101 on Growth Hacking performed by Max and Luca. In a high tempo the 40+ participants where taken through the development of Growth Hacking in the past few years. It made clear that Growth Hacking is many things we already know, like SEO, Social marketing, SEM and e-mail marketing but at the other hand can be brought back to the essence “to become the leader of growth, learn to love data”. Luckily more and more tools and systems come available to help us to analyse, validate and manage our business activities. The growth leader of tomorrow will have the skills of a marketer, analyst and a programmer. (Growth Hacking Masterclass – Growth Hound – 101 – Presentation)
Richard Capllonch has grown his company – fast
Richard setup his accounting company together with his partner Raymond in 2009. Both coming from ‘Big Four’ accountant firms they knew that they would have to be different and because of that they focussed from the start on automation. In the course of the years they took over a traditional accountant firm – twice – growing over 10 employees. This seemed like great opportunities, nut were they? Maybe autonomous growth would have been better. Since 2015 the focus has been on an improved business model – more; sustainable, data driven, scalable and more valuable for the customer. (Presentatie StatusFinance)
The Growth Hacking Masterclass offered the participants the option to participate in 2-out-of-3 practical workshops or trainings:
- Growth Hacking A to Z – performed by Luca Barboni and Max Corbeau – Getting you through the process of Growth Hacking and helping you to find drivers of growth. Growth Hacking Masterclass – A to Z – Presentation.
- Leveraging Persuasion Principles – performed by Rodger Buyvoets & Joris Fonteijn of Crobox. On how to capitalize on Persuasion Principles and turn business constraints into growth opportunities. Crobox Growth Hacking Workshop.
- Growth: the Start-up Way for Corporates – performed by Sander van der Blonk from Rockstart. Sander demonstrated how corporates can learn from fast growing start-ups when it comes to innovation and (renewed) growth.
Pro-growth Networking opportunity
Following the workshops the masterclass was concluded with a Q&A followed by evaluation and networking. Alsmost half the participants joined for this wrap-up session. These participants voiced their content with the program and hoped it will advance further to reach other entrepreneurs. It was further asked if the curriculum could be further developed. After that there was ample time and drinks to further developed each other’s pro-growth network. For some this advanced to the FUN event at the Leiden University Campus and the walking dinner in the floating pavilion at the Hofvijver.
Growth sponsors, partners & perks
The format of this Growth Hacking Masterclass heavily depends on active participation of partners to add quality and experience to the masterclass. The perks from 6 partners where well received , like candles on a birthday cake (send to participants by email). We’d like to thank;
Innovative Enterprise conference, GrowthHound, 1A First Alternative, World Startup Factory, ING bank, Rockstart, Crobox, Inspectlet, Intercom, Clickmeter, Hotjar, Pipedrive, KPI6 and CoSchedule.
- Photo © JoniIsraeli.com
- Partners & Perks
Cornelius Wicks
May 10th, 2016 11:06
Dear Pim, Could you provide information on your workshops and the cost for groups and individual attendance? Thank you.