Message Viewer Lite [32 Bit] (santacho)

Category: Internet|E-mail|Mail Utilities
Size: 13 mb
Developer: Encryptomatic LLC

Seeds: 146
Peers: 74

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Message Viewer Lite torrentMessage Viewer Lite
Features: Embedding with content management applications
Used in migrations toward/away from Lotus Notes, Groupwise, or Outlook
Help Desks not running Outlook
Situations where a particular email cient is not desired as part of the platform
Individuals who just want to get at those pictures the kids sent.
Helping users transition from one email client to another

Torrent Size: 13 mb
Files: 2
Info Hash: c772a2bb2978c173b460359177bb71ce1ca7f836
Share ratio Share ratio
Good Good: 7 Bad Bad: 2

Encryptomatic Message Viewer Lite designed for convenience. Is permitted & amp; he cute; u to check emails or do either .msg .eml, without the need for Outlook, MAPI, or Outlook Express. multiple instances of Message Viewer Lite will be opened, lets you see a lot of emails simultaneously. MSG Viewer .eml read .msg or files, and display them in their original formatting, including HTML, Rich Text (including OLE objects), or plain text. Additionally, you can draw and save any attachment included in the email. Just right click, and then note the location on the destination disk.